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Vendors & Customers Reviews

We are committed to making our Vendors & Customers happy with our services

Jay Simon
happy vendor
Rent My Drive has increased our booking requests 10 times more than our older website. Thank you for the amazing work Rent My Drive
Tania Smith
happy vendor
With Rent My Drive I can run my cottage business without worries. Customers can browse our listing easily and bookings are coming every day. Excellent website!
Gina Roscoe
happy vendor
I never thought about renting out my parking space until my neighbour showed me Rent My Drive. I now earn enough to pay some of my monthly bills. Awesome!
John Windsmore
happy customer
I regularly use Rent My Drive to park when visiting my Mum. She lives on a busy road with limited parking and I utilise her neighbour's driveway to park my Merc.
Elisabeth True
happy customer
With more and more houses being built in Thanet that means more cars on the road yet the parking spaces are limited. Rent My Drive makes it real simple to park.
Robert Ipswich
happy customer
How many times have you struggled to find a parking space and wondered how easy it would be if you could park on someone's driveway? Wonder no more.

Complete solution for vendors

Learn more about our features and services

Register for free

Get your space listed today. Turn that space into a residual income and get earning some extra pennies.

Add your listing

It is really easy and we pride ourselves on the amount of control that you have with regards to your listing.

Upload beautiful images

Let people see what you can offer them to make their lives easier. Upload up to 4 images to showcase your space.

Add Your Own Custom Paid Services

You can add your own custom products and prices. We are the only Parking Website to offer such a service.

Publish your listing

We don't make you await admin approval. Create your listing and publish it immediately to get earning.

Get reservations

If your space is what people are looking for start getting bookings as soon as you go live on our site.

Build a successful business

Your space/s can start generating you a nice little income. Depending where you are located you could earn lots.

Got any questions?

Pop us a message and one of the team will be in touch