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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the booking process take? What methods of payment accepted? Can I use more than one payment method to pay for a reservation? Can I contact the owner? And more.


You can choose instant bookings, or you can approve bookings. We have designed the site to be as convenient as possible. Take us for a spin!

We use Stripe to process the payments from the bookers on the front end. Most major debit cards are accepted. To pay the Vendor their earnings they can choose Bank Transfer or PayPal.

In My Profile you can enter your PayPal receiving email or we can set you up as a Bank recipient and transfer your fees to your Bank Account when you would like them. There is also an invoices section for your bookings.

Instantaneously of course. If they book your listing and you have instant booking activated you will receive an email informing you of the booking. If you have chosen approve bookings then you will receive an email saying that a booking has been received. You then log in and approve/deny.

Simply log in and select the booking then select cancel. Again simplicity in mind and convenience for our Vendors. Upon cancelling a booking the Booker will be notified and the slot on your calendar opens up again.

If you want to contact Rent My Drive there is a Contact Us form on our Contact Us page. Or alternatively drop us a message at

If you want to contact the Vendor there is a Contact Owner Form on the Listing Page.  We or the Vendor will receive an email and answer accordingly.

Vendors can offer a Shuttle Service. Dependent on the isting location it might be offered to drop you off at your final destination and collect you. If you are visting a new area it always helps to have a local guide aid you.

We have created our site so that Vendors can offer unique services. For instance maybe you would like your car detailed or require EV harging facilities.

Or you might want all of your vehicle’s fluids and tyre pressures checked and sorted? With Vendors able to create their own custom services we suppose the sky is the limit to what can be offered. If the Booker selects it then it is added on to what the Boker pays when booking.


You can choose instant bookings, or you can approve bookings. We have designed the site to be as convenient as possible. Take us for a spin!

We use Stripe to process the payments from the bookers on the front end. Most major debit cards are accepted. To pay the Vendor their earnings they can choose Bank Transfer or PayPal.

In My Profile you can enter your PayPal receiving email or we can set you up as a Bank recipient and transfer your fees to your Bank Account when you would like them. There is also an invoices section for your bookings.

Instantaneously of course. If they book your listing and you have instant booking activated you will receive an email informing you of the booking. If you have chosen approve bookings then you will receive an email saying that a booking has been received. You then log in and approve/deny.

Simply log in and select the booking then select cancel. Again simplicity in mind and convenience for our Vendors. Upon cancelling a booking the Booker will be notified and the slot on your calendar opens up again.

If you want to contact Rent My Drive there is a Contact Us form on our Contact Us page. Or alternatively drop us a message at

If you want to contact the Vendor there is a Contact Owner Form on the Listing Page.  We or the Vendor will receive an email and answer accordingly.

Vendors can offer a Shuttle Service. Dependent on the isting location it might be offered to drop you off at your final destination and collect you. If you are visting a new area it always helps to have a local guide aid you.

We have created our site so that Vendors can offer unique services. For instance maybe you would like your car detailed or require EV harging facilities.

Or you might want all of your vehicle’s fluids and tyre pressures checked and sorted? With Vendors able to create their own custom services we suppose the sky is the limit to what can be offered. If the Booker selects it then it is added on to what the Boker pays when booking.

Great Service. Exceptional Rentals. Excellent Design. Professional Support. Rent My Drive